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It’s not as bad as it sounds. Sure, some people (especially if you have kids) need to just remove the excess stuff from their house. For me, to declutter was to actually start packing before we even listed our house. I looked at it as “pre-packing”.
I started with a very full kitchen because I love to bake and have collected bakeware from various sources over time…then my problem got worse when my brother started working at Wilton! I got some boxes and thought to myself, what can I live without for six months? I kept a few cake pans, but figured I could live without multiple bunt pans for a while. I also found things I decided I would never really use and made another box for donations. I did the same thing with bowls and cookware. I was able to reduce the things in my kitchen cabinets to half. Less to pack later and now my cabinets did not seem overcrowded…and bigger!
I did this throughout the house….what clothes could I live without for a while? What toys would the kids not miss? Slowly the closets were less full and there was more space all around.
Depersonalize your space
It can be really hard to let go of the stuff that makes your house your home. However, when prospective buyers enter your house they want to see themselves in the space and not you. Time to think neutral. Walls of family photos? Time to take them down (pre-packing again). It is better to take down and patch the holes from hanging frames before you paint. Is every room in your house a different color? Think about painting light neutral colors throughout the house. A coat of paint makes your house look fresh. Fridge full of photos and magnets? Again, time to start packing.
Donate the extras
Moving is a great time to re-evaluate your needs. There will be some obvious things to let go and be glad they’re gone. There will also be other things that are harder to let go. If you are not sure, make a “maybe” box. Pack things you want to donate, but are afraid to let go. Keep the box with your moving things and once you move, if you can’t even remember what is in the box….just donate it. Garage sales and Craigslist are other options. Moving South? Sell the snow blower and shovels or share with your neighbors.
Are you ready to sell?
Once you have decluttered, depersonalized and donated you will have a new perspective. It should feel good to let go of the things you know you haven’t needed for a while. Just remember, it’s just the first step. With the space more neutral and open, you will start to see the things you might have overlooked. Are there little things that need to be fixed? Maybe re-arrange the furniture to reflect the additional space? You might even find more things to remove from the home, even if it is just more pre-packing. Contact us to tour your updated home and and see if you are ready to list!