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The goal is to make it inviting and reflect all the goodness on the inside. When a home isn’t maintained on the outside, potential buyers will assume it is the same on the inside (which isn’t always true).  


Drive-by viewing

It’s a fact that in the age of internet, most potential home buyers start their search online before ever consulting a real estate agent.  Many also drive past the homes to see what they look like in person and often to feel out the neighborhood.  I know when my husband and I were house hunting, we spent many days just looking at houses and neighborhoods from the street without appointments…we also ruled out some houses just by looking at the outside.

It is vital to maintain the outside appearance from the day you list it until closing

You never know when a potential buyer might be checking out your house.  Also, once a potential buyer has seen the house, they may drive by at different times of day to see what is happening in the neighborhood.  Our old house had a large picture window and we would often see cars slow down or park in front of the house briefly.  I made sure that the front room was the neatest in case the people had the right light to see through into the house

Simple touches can go a long way

It isn’t about how much you spend, it’s more about the little things you can do to maintain the great curb appeal.

  • Plant some flowers and keep them watered
  • Trim hedges, especially if they interfere with the walkway
  • Keep the grass cut on a weekly basis or the snow shoveled
  • Move your garbage cans to the side of the house, out of site if possible
  • If your front door is looking worn, consider repainting
  • If your driveway is full of cars, see if you can temporarily move some to another location

Use Curb Appeal to make a house a Home

curb appeal is important

Even though you depersonalized the inside of your home to make it more neutral, the outside is a place you can add a touch of “homey feel”.  A nice decoration on the door to match the season, for example. If you have a porch, arrange some chairs to give the idea of relaxing out front.

When our house was on the market, we had a little table on our porch that had a chalk-paint top.  Before showings, I would write a message like “Welcome Home”.  Of course you couldn’t see it from the street, but it still made a nice welcome before you entered the house.


Remember, the most important part is to maintain the look. 

Just like you should keep the inside neat and clean, be sure to add a few minutes to straighten up the outside too.



One Responses

  • Marilynn Doane

    I am enjoying reading your comments. Thank you. Marilyn D.


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